We have all heard of fraudulent acts, and from this perspective, Saudi Banks have launched “#Khalaha Lk” initiative, aiming to raise awareness on financial fraudulent acts and fighting fraudsters.
What is financial fraud ?
Fraud is any act involving deceit to obtain a direct or indirect financial benefit, causing a loss to the deceived party.

Interested in knowing Fraudsters’ hacks ?
Requesting your bank account information
Claiming that you have won prizes
Reactivating your card
Identity fraud
Impersonating governmental and semi-governmental entities
Claiming to invest in an authorized entity by SAMA
Checking for Financial Fraud
You received an email and you are a bit suspicious ?
We have a dedicated team that will assist you in ensuring the validity of the email. All you need to do is fill the form with your information, attach a screenshot of the received email and wait for the team feedback.
Take an action and apply
Participating Banks